Thursday 5 January 2012

A willow still standing and the growing swamp

This willow has withstood the recent gales despite being mostly gnawed through - remarkable really.

The canal has been dredged a bit more to cope with the runoff from the recent rains and snow.

This is some more of it.

The fence beside this length of the canal is part of an exclosure put up some years ago for Kevin Jones's study of the vegetation in the Wet Wood at the outset of the beavers' first years of occupation.

Nice clear water!

In this photograph we are looking east towards the Long Dam.

Here I am, looking east from the long dam, which you see just beyond the fallen grey alder.

This afternoon I went back to the Wet Wood from the east side and photographed this old fence straining post that has been such a marker of water levels over the last ten years.

This is the familiar dam with the water lapping to its crest.

And from here we see the old lodge. It looked as though beavers were living in the lodge from its state of repair and there is that other one nearby, which is clearly occupied.

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